5 Common Pitfalls That Make Students Crackle the UPSC

What happens when we see an exam pattern, most of us start preparing for it without doing any preparation. Why is this so? Most of us don’t know the importance of preparation, and some don’t even know how to prepare. As a result of this, most students end up failing the exams without making any preparations, says an institute for UPSC coaching in Bhopal . There are 5 common pitfalls that students need to avoid. Let me tell you what they are. Don’t rush towards preparation Most of the students rush towards preparing for the exam because they know that they will not get it prepared without rushing. But, this is the most common mistake of the students. To crack the exam, you need to study with an effective method. Some of the effective study strategies that you can use are: 1) Prepare for one section at a time. 2) Plan your time for studying according to your needs. 3) Be a list maker. Don’t wait for the last day This is the most common mistake of the students. They are ...