IAS Mock Interviews – Best Tips to Crack the Interview

IAS, which is the abbreviation of Indian Administrative Services, is one of the most prestigious jobs in India. The Indian Administrative Service is considered as one of the toughest exams in the country. Every year, thousands of candidates appear for this exam, and only a handful of them will get selected for the job. Now, it is the most important question that whether you are going to crack the interview or not? Yes, it is true that interviews are very important and it will decide your fate in the selection process. Here are some tips that will help you to crack the interview: Prepare well The best and the easiest way to crack a mock interview for IAS are to prepare well. You need to prepare for everything from the language that will be used in the interview, the questions asked and also the background information of the organisation. Have good knowledge about the organisation It is not enough to know about the organisation, you need to have the exact knowledge of its po...